CAPERCAILLIE AT LOISCHKOPF2024-08-06T16:22:45+02:00


During the expansion of the bike park on the Loischkopf, it was discovered that there are capercaillie on the Loischkopf. It is now clear that this is an important “source population” of this critically endangered bird species. As passionate outdoor sports enthusiasts and nature lovers, we have a moral obligation to ensure that the capercaillie are not disturbed. But there is also a clear need for action legally. Below you will find information about this bird species, which is protected under the EU Bird Protection Directive, and our measures to protect this population.


Many measures to protect the capercaillie have been defined in a comprehensive protection concept. This protection concept, which was developed together with a leading wildlife biologist for capercaillie, is the basis for the further touristic use of the Loischkopf.


The capercaillie population discovered on the Loischkopf is a so-called source population. This brings a gene exchange that is necessary for survival to the other capercaillie populations in the region. That is why this occurrence of capercaillie on the Loischkopf is particularly worth protecting. Capercaillie are very shy and react extremely sensitively to disturbance – especially during the breeding season, which usually lasts from April to around mid-June.


An important measure is to calm the Loischkopf during the highly sensitive breeding phase. That’s why the ST04 TSCHARLIE TSCHÄPLIN and ST05 TSCHONNY NOXWIL routes are closed from April to June 15th of each year. The FOREST ROADS on the Loischkopf are also completely closed to mountain bikers from April to mid-June, and in some cases until the end of June. The Loischkopfbahn can still be in operation for the mountain bike connection to Brand. Use the ST09 Schmalzbödile Trail to get to the following trail entrances: Burtscha Trail, Parpfienz Trail, Alte Statt Trail.


The wild animals also need their rest. Especially at dusk, wild animals forage and should not be startled. Therefore, respect that all trails may only be ridden during the operating hours of the bike park. Outside these, the routes of the bike park are closed without exception.


Even if one or the other trail would like to elicit a whoop – we are in the mountains and should therefore avoid noise as much as possible. Please do not bring portable speakers with you on the trails. Wild animals react sensitively to noise. Let’s try to keep the disruption as low as possible!


We have set ourselves the goal of inspiring mountain bikers with our project and of being able to offer children and young people an attractive sports facility. But it is just as important to keep our footprint as small as possible. That is why one of our declared aims is to protect the capercaillie on the Loischkopf as best we can. We move in nature, let’s protect it together!


Check out more information on how to treat nature, the environment and other users respectfully on the mountain.


Do you have other questions?

Here are the answers to all the topics!
to the FAQ's
What happens if I still take shortcuts on trails?2022-03-24T12:59:52+01:00

If you are observed or caught doing so, you must expect that your ticket will be confiscated without replacement. As you can see, it is really important to us that no meadows, pastures or forest ground outside the marked trails are ridden on and thus damaged. In general, please follow our Trail Tolerance rules.

Is it true that sometimes cows lie on the trails and take a nap?2022-03-24T12:58:53+01:00

Yes, that is correct. Together with the local farmers, we decided on the concept of open grazing. Moreover, the grazing animals were there before us, and are allowed to lie down wherever they want. Therefore, please drive at half sight at all times and respect the grazing animals. Brake and just give the lying or standing cow a little space, and ride around. In this case, you may even actually leave the trail briefly, which is normally not allowed. By the way, the cows of Alpe Rona (Tschengla) and Alpe Parpfienz (Brand) produce probably the best cow’s milk you can get. Stop into one of these alps, and order yourself a glass of milk. It does not get fresher than this. If you need more energy, grab the buttermilk.

Will the Trail Taxi run during the 2025 construction season?2025-02-24T13:51:51+01:00

Yes, the Trail Taxi will also be in full operation in 2025. The timetable has been adjusted, the Trail Taxi now also goes to Brand, because access for all bike park guests in the 2025 season is via Brand (Dorfbahn, Panoramabahn, Loischkopfbahn).

At certain times, the trail taxi also stops at the stops on the Tschengla to bring bike park guests from the Tschengla to Brand or vice versa if you are staying in a hotel on the Tschengla!

Please check the timetable for line 581 in advance and remember that the Trail Taxi has limited capacity.

Are you allowed to take shortcuts on trails?2022-03-24T13:02:07+01:00

No, please don’t! Be sure to stay on the marked routes, and do not cut across meadows, pastures, or forest floors. Even if there are people who find so-called “shortcuts” funny – shortcutting hurts the turf and causes great damage as well as soil erosion! Learn more on our Trail Tolerance page.

What risks do I have when using the bike trails?2023-02-14T15:49:12+01:00

The practice of mountain biking is associated with sport-specific dangers. Users of the mountain bike trails must be aware and take note that riding on the trails or practicing the sport involves risks. Even the greatest possible care and compliance with the terms of use are no guarantee for a risk-free practice of mountain biking!

The risks result, for example, from the terrain, natural or artificial obstacles, weather conditions, driving errors, lack of driving skills, overestimation of one’s own abilities, other people, vehicles or animals, and other factors. Falls with damage to property, body injuries can result from these risks. This concerns not only the own person or objects but also other persons and objects. The user has to take care of a sufficient insurance of the risks connected with the sport practice himself (e.g. liability, accident, salvage, etc.). Find out more in ourterms of use!


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Buy your printable ticket voucher online and redeem it quickly and easily at our on-site ticket vending machine.


Vouchers for the Bikepark Brandnertal and the Wallride Stores. Pay online and print at home!


The perfect gift for mountain bikers – the vouchers can be redeemed in the Brandnertal Bike Park, in all Wallride stores and at the Brandnertal cable cars.

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